Monday, October 31, 2011

How Many Lies Have You Told Today?

No, not those kinds of lies; these kinds of lies:
"I'm too old."
"I'm too young."
"Love hurts.""
"I work better under pressure."
"Successful people are bad parents."
"I can't lose weight."
"I can't save money."
And the list goes on and on. These negative belief barriers are lies. These lies are powerful motivators that will actually cause you to repel success. You will just push it away like a child refuses spinach. The problem isn't just your fear. No, your fear represents a powerful, self-limiting belief. Until you identify and replace these lies, no amount of positive thinking will help you create and maintain success.
What makes these lies (negative beliefs) so powerful and insidious is that most of the time you don't even realise you say them. You will think you want something, you'll write it down, you'll back it up with positive thinking, but something happens to keep you form the very thing you say you want.
It is the negative beliefs you feed your mind that sabotage your efforts of success. So, stop the insanity! Stop lying to yourself. Be hypercritical about your self-talk. Make every effort that what you say to yourself – about yourself and your life – reflect an empowering belief. These truths will motivate you to pick up the phone, set up a meeting, ask for the sale, finish the project, eat healthier, put on those workout clothes, and do the things you need to do to get what you want!
Stop telling lies.
- Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

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