Thursday, March 17, 2011

How High?

How high is this mountain Lord, how high must I climb
And on the other side, what is it I'll find
The distance ahead seems such a great length
I'm not really sure if I have the strength
Forgive me for questioning, but I need to know
Is this really the direction You want me to go?

I heard no response to the questing I asked
And the mountain ahead seemed such a great task
I was tired and weary, had tried my best
But the load was too heavy, so I sat down to rest
As I sat for a while under the shade of a tree
The answers I was seeking came to me.

The road I had been traveling was no mistake
This was the direction He meant me to take
How high is the mountain... I need not know
If He leads me there, then I must go
And wherever it takes me, I'll not ask why
With God at my side, no mountain's too high.
- J. Oswald

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