Thursday, February 21, 2013

Souls for Sale reports that 18-year-old Sterling Jones "put his soul up for auction on eBay". Within a few days, eBay removed Jones' offer and alerted him that eBay did not allow the auctioning of human souls.
"According to eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove, there's no proof Jones can make good to the winning bidder: 'This gentleman would have to make a pretty strong case to us that he could deliver his soul.'"
Wired magazine reports the more successful attempt of a 29-year-old university communications instructor to sell his immortal soul. After a 10-day bidding war, a New York real estate agent purchased it for $1,325. The seller said, "In America, you can metaphorically and literally sell your soul and be rewarded for it. That's what makes this country great."
source unknown

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