Monday, February 25, 2013

Accepting Challenges

The highly regarded HBO miniseries Band of Brothers follows a company of U.S. paratroopers through the preparation and experience of invading Europe on D-Day. Based on real life interviews with survivors, the series captures both the intensity of war and the heroism of the troops.
Lieutenant Richard Winters is a powerful example of a leader who understands his calling. While leading his troops into their most celebrated and challenging task of the war, combating the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge, Winters is approached by an exhausted soldier leaving the front line.
"Looks like you guys are going to be surrounded," the soldier says ominously.
Without hesitation Winters replies, "We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."
Band of Brothers DVD 6 (Warner Brothers Home Video, 2001)

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