Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown

The animated classic A Charlie Brown Christmas airs on one of the major television networks every holiday season. Two producers working closely with Charlie Brown creator Charles Schulz remember their desperate efforts to first convince a network to show the special. All the major networks were hesitant. Finally, one agreed, and the great cartoonist got to work.
A memorable part of the animated tale occurs when Linus answers Charlie Brown's plaintive cry, "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?" Linus walks to centre stage, requests a spot light, then recites from Luke 2 the biblical account of Jesus' birth. "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown," he concludes.
While the program was in development, the producers cautioned Schulz about putting the scene in the special. They were convinced the religious message wouldn't go over well with the network. Undeterred, Schulz faced both producers and said, "If not us, then who's going to do it?"
Source: ABC News

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