Tuesday, December 25, 2012

God Delights to Give His Children Gifts

In his book Pure Pleasure, Gary Thomas reminds us that the Heavenly Father we meet in and through Jesus Christ loves to give his children gifts:

Once, while walking through a McDonald's restaurant, I saw eight ten-year-old girls celebrating a birthday. The warmth of sheer, unadulterated happiness permeated the gathering.
It was as if a light had been turned on and I could see God's delight. God felt happy that these girls were happy. Their delight, their joy, even their giddiness, gave God great pleasure. Have you ever thought about that—that you can give God great pleasure by enjoying yourself?
If you're a parent, imagine Christmas morning as the young kids tear into presents. Does anything make you happier? Don't moments like these break into the dull routines of life and give us a glimpse of heaven?
The fact that we are children of God—and that Jesus urges us to become like children—speaks of a certain demeanour, a certain delight, a certain trust in God's goodness and favour toward us. While God's servants are not merely his children (he also calls us to sacrificial and mature service), we never become less than his children.
Gary Thomas, "Let's Play," Men of Integrity (January/February 2011)

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