Friday, August 05, 2011

Yoked To Christ

Jesus told His disciples to "come to Me,... Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,... For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30).
The physical yoke is not a part of the daily life of most of us, but we can call up the mental rural image of two beasts of burden, yoked together, pulling their common load. The yoke is a wooden structure that is designed to compel the two animals to work as a team. When they cooperate with each other, the task is easier for both; but if one holds back or tries to turn in a different direction, the yoke places undue pressure on its neck. Obviously, the burden is easier and lighter when they work together.
So it is also with our faith. To accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is like being yoked to Him. In that union of faith, we listen to our Lord. We learn by being exposed to what the teacher is teaching. We show that we have learned from the Master Teacher when we take His instructions for life and put them into practice. This all begins when we profess our willingness to walk with and be yoked to Jesus.
- Rev. Kenneth A. Mortonson in "What Do You See?

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