Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Road Home

It was a warm Saturday afternoon. A Carolina breeze was steadily moving through the long grass and the proud, full branches. I was driving home, back to the little corner of the world where I grew up. I was en route to a modest house on a corner lot bordered by pine trees, vegetable gardens, and neighbours who still bake casseroles for each other.
I was thinking that when I arrive, my dad (most likely atop his newly painted tractor) will head across the freshly mowed lawn. He'll hug me long and hard until the back door slams. My mom will reach for me, smiling, and announce, "I've a fresh pitcher of iced tea. Who's ready for a glass?"...
What really matters is home. This is the stuff I am made of. This is what is important to me.
We are all on a homeward journey. God patiently plans our routes and polices our perils. He watches us manoeuvre through detours and treacherous places. He even sees us make an occasional wrong turn then keep going anyway.
But always He waits. Long ago He paved the way and marked the direction for us to come to Him. He prepared a place of rest that is beyond the reaches of our imaginations - a welcome centre built by His own hand.
- Janet Pachal in "The Good Road"

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