Monday, January 04, 2010

On The Journey Towards Intimacy

It's taken more than half my life to understand the meaning of true intimacy. For years I understood intimacy only in sexual terms. As I have matured spiritually (an ongoing journey), I have come to understand intimacy in a more comprehensive, life- sustaining way. I count among my most precious gifts the gift of intimacy that I share and receive among soul friends and confidants. This intimacy is the freedom to speak, from the core of my being, my joys and sorrows, my accomplishments and failures. I recognize this as a monumental gift from God.
Once while doing outreach with the homeless in Los Angeles, I learned that a single loving action shared with a stranger can be as intimate and transforming as that received from a trusted friend. The depth of our intimacy with those around us is a reflection of the depth of our relationship with God. Intimacy with another human being on any level, be it a brief encounter with a homeless person or a lifelong relationship, is an encounter with the divine presence inherent in each human being.
Mother Teresa taught that the greatest poverty in the world today is the poverty of despair and loneliness, the poverty of not being loved, of not having intimate, loving relationships with others. When I reflect on the richness of my life in terms of the love and affirmation I receive and give, I know I live a privileged life.
- Victoria S. Schmidt

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