Sunday, August 22, 2010

Big Man On Campus

When asked "What advice would you give to parents and churches as they prepare to send youth off to universities across the country?" Dallas Willard, a Christian philosopher who has been teaching at the University of Southern California for the past forty years, responded: "Be encouraged, and encouraging about the fact that Jesus is present on the college campuses. Jesus is the smartest mind in any and every field, and in Him are contained all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Jesus, despite any voices to the contrary, is the 'Big Man On Campus'! A student sitting in a philosophy class listening to the teacher rant on about the absurdity of the Christian faith may be encouraged by an anecdote such as this: Walter Martin tells the story of Sydney Hook lecturing against Jesus in a class at New York University. With a moment's reflection, answer the question: 'How many people have died for the sake of their dedication to Sydney Hook?'"

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