Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Changing Face of Church

In 1900 10% of all Christians lived in the Third World. Now 75% of all Christians live outside 'Northern Christendom', and they provide 50% of the world's Christian missionaries.
So the centre of gravity for Christianity is moving from North to South, From West to East.
It took 1000 years for Christendom to reach the 30 million mark. Africa reached it in just 15 years.
The are more Anglicans worshipping in Nigeria, than in the U.K., U.S.A., and Australia combined - even though they're not the largest denomination there.
There are more worshipping Christians in China than in Western Europe.
The largest (Protestant) missionary 'sending' country is still the U.S. (60,000). The next? India (40,000) followed by countries like Korea (10,000), and Brazil.
Only twenty of the 700 Baptist pastors in Uganda have had any kind of training for pastoral work at all.

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