Wednesday, March 05, 2014

A Rough Week for Atheist Richard Dawkins

In the world of atheist blogs (and there are plenty of them), one of their heroes—Richard Dawkins—got hammered by other atheists (and here's an excellent summary of the brouhaha). If you think just Christians have nasty fights about doctrinal issues, read these articles. Apparently, a female atheist objected when one of her male colleagues propositioned her in an elevator. Dawkins replied to her blog post, basically telling her to stop whining because women around the world have it rougher than she does. Now some atheists-agnostics-skeptics are calling people to boycott Dawkin's books. This debate raises huge, emotional issues about the treatment of women in our culture, but it also provides insight into the human heart. One blogger wrote, "That's skeptics: Rational about everything except themselves."

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