Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rewards of Discipline

When I went to the University of Colorado as an athlete, I discovered we had a track coach who was a sadist. Every Monday for ten months of the year there was a standard workout. We ran 20 quarter miles each at 63 seconds, with three minutes of jogging in between. It was a devastatingly painful workout. I hated it. I hated Monday with a passion. When the workout was finished, I virtually crawled to the locker room.
There was another man on the team, though, who did that workout alongside of me. After the workout was over and I had left the field, he rested for 15 minutes and then would do the workout a second time. His name was Bill Toomey. He went on to win an Olympic gold medal in the decathlon.
Kevin Miller, vice president, Christianity Today International

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