Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hitting The Wall

At the beginning of a marathon, runners feel strong and energetic. For years, they've followed a regimen prescribing what to eat, how much to train, and how much to rest. They're ready.
Then the gun sounds, and they take off. Sixteen miles into that marathon, though, they no longer feel energetic, do they?
Blisters begin to rub raw; it feels like a knife has lodged in their side. Legs turn to mush, and muscles scream in pain.
It happens in life, too. We get down the road, and there's pain involved. We say, "This hurts, so it must not be God's will."
But pain doesn't mean it's no longer God's will. Sometimes the race God calls us to run is filled with pain. Remember that God didn't call you just to begin a noble task or relationship. He wants us to keep running and be great finishers. World-class runners have a "kick." A "kick" is a runner's term that means when they get to that last one hundred yards, they can still sprint to the finish line and win the race. God wants us to have a "kick." No matter what the circumstance, God wants us to finish strong.
source unknown

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