Monday, July 23, 2012


In More than You and Me, Kevin and Karen Miller write of the power of a God-given vision:
One couple lived in London 130 years ago. For the first 10 years of their marriage, William Booth, especially, was in a quandary: What was God calling him to do?
Then his wife, Catherine, a skilful Bible teacher, was invited to preach in London. While they were there, William took a late-night walk through the slums of London's East End. Every fifth building was a pub. Most had steps at the counter so little children could climb up and order gin. That night he told Catherine, “I seemed to hear a voice sounding in my ears, 'Where can you go and find such heathen as these, and where is there so great a need for your labours?' Darling, I have found my destiny!"
Later that year, 1865, the couple opened the “Christian Mission" in London's slums. Their life vision: to reach the “down and outers" that other Christians ignored. That simple vision of two people grew into the Salvation Army, which now ministers through 3 million members in 91 countries.

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