Friday, July 06, 2012

The Approval of the Master

There is a very well-known story told of a young boy in Austria giving his first violin recital. He had studied hard for years under the guidance of one of the greatest masters in all of Europe. The boy had tremendous talent, and he had learned his lessons well. As he stood on the stage before an audience of hundreds of lovers of good music, he performed with confidence and skill.
Following each piece, the crowd cheered loudly. He was one of the finest young performers they had ever had the pleasure of hearing. And yet the boy seemed not to notice their expressions of approval. In fact, some later commented that he almost seemed annoyed by the applause.
At the conclusion of the recital, the entire audience rose as one to give the young performer a standing ovation. They shouted “Bravo “ and “Encore! “ and other words of praise and appreciation. However, the young musician seemed not even to hear them. Instead, he stood looking up into the balcony where an old, withered man sat looking back down at him. Finally, the old gentleman smiled and nodded his head in approval. Only then did the lad seem to relax, and his face beamed with joy. You see, the cheers of the crowd meant nothing unless he had the approval of the master! It was only the latter that this young performer sought!
This is a principle the Apostle Paul understood very well. At Lystra he was hailed as a god, and the people sought to offer up sacrifices to him (Acts 14:11­13). Even to this day, disciples of Christ often refer to this man as “the greatest Christian who has ever lived! “
When we realise, as did Paul, that it is the Master whom we serve and seek to please, both the acclaim and criticism of mere men will pale in comparison! “Be diligent to present yourself approved unto God “ (2 Tim. 2:15).
Al Maxey, The Aloha Spirit

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