Thursday, December 09, 2010

Coming Home

Think not your work of no account
Although it may be small;
The Lord marks well your faithfulness --
He knows you gave your all.

An elderly missionary couple who had served God for 50 years in a remote African village returned to the United States for a well-earned retirement. When they arrived, however, no one was there to greet them because of some confusion at the mission office. They had no one to help them with their suitcases and trunks, and no one to move them into their home.
The old gentleman complained to his wife, "We've come home after all these years and there's no one who cares."
The man's bitterness grew as they settled into their new home. His wife, a bit fed up with his complaining, suggested that he take up the matter with God. So the man went to his bedroom and spent time in prayer. When he came out he had a new look on his face, which prompted his wife to ask what had happened. "Well," he replied, "I told God that I've come home and no one cares." "And what did God say?" she asked. He said, "You're not home yet."
You too may serve for years in a place where no one notices you or cares what you've done. But God sees and cares. One day, when we reach our eternal home, "each one's praise will come from God" (1 Corinthians 4:5). In the meantime, let's be faithful.
- David Roper

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