Friday, July 23, 2010

The Lunch Date

The following is a synopsis of a 10-minute movie that won an Academy Award in the short film category one year...
An older woman, smartly dressed, checking the clock in Grand Central Station. She finds her ticket in her purse only to discover that her wallet has been stolen. First scared and then annoyed, she scrounges for a few bills in the bottom of her purse, finds the cafeteria, buys a cobb salad, settles into her booth with her lunch, then she realizes she forgot her fork.
So she leaves her packages and salad to return only to find a very large, disheveled man in her booth eating her lunch. She is indignant. But he doesn't seem to notice. Determined, she sits down at the table, picks up her fork and stabs at the salad; he does the same, each taking a turn till they're done. Finally the man leaves, only to return again with coffee, two cups of coffee, and they end their meal in polite silence. He is the first to leave.
She looks at her watch; it's time for her to catch her train. She reaches for her packages and discovers they're gone!! - And then her eye wanders to the next booth, where her packages sit along with her cobb salad, untouched!
I wonder how many times I've been forgiven; I wonder how many times I've been forgiven and not even known that I needed to be.

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