Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seven Last Statements

Christ made His love for the world passionately evident in these last statements from the cross...
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Do you realize that you are in need of the Father's forgiveness?
"Today you will be with Me in Paradise." Have you realized and confessed Jesus as your personal Saviour?
"Woman, behold your son." Jesus is concerned and provides for all of us.
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Jesus was forsaken so we don't have to be.
"I thirst!" This personal statement reminds us that Jesus is not only God, but He also was man. Jesus identifies with our needs.
"It is finished." Our sin is paid for and sin's control over our lives is broken!
"Into Your hands I commit My spirit." You can entrust your life to God's hands.
- Greg Laurie in "Why the Passion?"

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