Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Revolutionary Book

Are you ready for a revolution?…
The power of Christianity is in the nature of the God we serve - yet most Christians barely understand God's true identity. Those who are still wondering if He's the God they're looking for know even less.
Fortunately, God does not keep His identity a cosmic secret. He doesn't play hide-and-seek, where the clues to His presence and nature are hidden behind distant planets or kept locked away in esoteric riddles. God announced Himself with an exclamation mark by proclaiming His nature in a type of autobiography, a book called the Bible. When we read His book and contemplate it over a period of time, we'll get an amazingly clear picture of who God really is - and our own lives will be set up for the most dramatic revolution we could ever imagine.
- Bill Hybels in "The God You're Looking For"

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