Sunday, March 29, 2009

Conforming To The Norm

"Do not be conformed to this world..." (Romans 12:2a NRSV)
We ought to recognize one of the great problems in our modern Christianity: Those who come to Christ probably have their minds made up that to stay sane they must remain "adjusted" to society around them. This notion has been drilled into them from their playpen, and it never occurs to them to question it. There is a "norm" out there somewhere to which they must conform, and that norm is above criticism. Their success and happiness depend upon how well they adjust to it; and Christianity, though it may add something to it, must never disagree with the main idea!
This is the popular notion in the world: "To be happy, adjust to the social norm!" The problem is that the idea will not hold up under examination. The world does not know where it is going; it has not found life's highest good. It is instead puzzled, frightened, and frustrated.
Thankfully, it was to this kind of world Jesus came. He died for its sin and now lives for the salvation of all who repudiate it!
- A. W. Tozer in "Renewed Day by Day"

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