Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas: Three Perspectives

An American Perspective
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has received permission to put up a sign next to the Christmas tree in Wisconsin's state Capitol. The sign reads, "In this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds." The back of the sign has a reading, "Thou shalt not steal." The Madison group said it planned to make the sign "a winter solstice tradition." Religion Today. December 12, 1997
In Cuba…
Cubans will celebrate Christmas for the first time since 1962. Fidel Castro told the National Assembly, a legislative body, that the one-time only event will be celebrated in honor of Pope John Paul II's visit next month. The Pope had asked Castro to reinstate the holiday prior to his visit. Christian Cubans regard the move as a miracle, but expatriates say it is merely a political move by Castro to gain approval from Western governments. Christmas was canceled when the country declared itself officially atheist-communist in 1962 and redefined as secular in 1991, according to news reports.
In Australia…
“As a society we are very family-focussed at Christmas,” says Diana Kenny. “It can be very difficult for those people who are isolated, alienated, lonely, abandoned, or living in nursing homes. That sense of loneliness can become very heightened at that time of year. Kenny cites the case of a homeless young woman who tried to commit suicide each Christmas Eve so she could spend Christmas Day in hospital. Kenny met her after her third Christmas Eve suicide attempt. “At least in hospital she got a warm bed, Christmas dinner and the nurses made a bit of a fuss.” from the MBF publication, Living Well, Summer 1997 edition, p 19

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