Tuesday, April 08, 2014

78-year-old Christian Leader Renews His Commitment to Christ

Soon after the publication of John Stott's 1971 revised edition of Basic Christianity, he received a letter that read:
Dear John,
Thank you for writing Basic Christianity. It led me to make a new commitment of my life to Christ. I am old now—nearly 78—but not too old to make a new beginning.
I rejoice in all the grand work you are doing.
Yours sincerely,
Leslie Weatherhead
Leslie Weatherhead was one of the most respected and influential Christian leaders in the United Kingdom. Thousands heard him preach at City Temple, his books were read widely, he pioneered in the field of pastoral counseling, and he was president of the Methodist Conference. Yet at 78-years-old he was not too proud or too worn out to make a fresh commitment of his life.
Adapted from Roger Steer, Basic Christian (IVP Books, 2010), p. 153

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