Sunday, February 09, 2014

Howard Stern Searches for His Father's Approval

In an interview that aired January 18, 2011 on Piers Morgan Tonight, host Piers Morgan interviewed shock-jock Howard Stern. At one point in the interview, Morgan said he had read that Stern had watched his father praise people that he really respected, and that Howard had grown up craving that praise from his father. Morgan commented that Stern seemed to be driven by the need to please his parents.
"How often does [your father] say to you, 'Great show, Howard'?" Piers asked.
"Rarely," replied Stern. "He said to me some years ago … and it really moved me, he said, 'You're a genius.' And I was rocked, because I never thought I'd hear those words. I didn't think I, was ever gonna earn that respect in my father's eyes."
"What had you done to earn it do you think?" Piers probed. "I think it was after my movie," Stern replied. "It was after many accomplishments. I think in many ways with my career I was searching for that approval from my father. And it's a very empty search actually, because when you get it, it's almost too late. It's like ooh, you mean this was what this was all about … this was what it was all for?"
source unknown

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