Tuesday, September 18, 2012


A reader has supplied this variation on the long arm of coincidence that relates Presidents John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.
Both Kennedy and Lincoln were connected with civil rights.
Lincoln was elected 1860, Kennedy in 1960.
Both wives lost a child at the time of living at the White House.
Both were killed on a Fri­day in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head from behind.
The successors both to Lin­coln and Kennedy were named Johnson. Both were Southern Democrats and in the Senate - Andrew Johnson born in 1808. Lyndon John­son born 1908.
Both Lincoln and Kennedy are seven-lettered names, and their assassinators, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Har­vey Oswald, both have 15 letters in their names.
John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939. Both were Southerners favoring unpop­ular ideas and both were as­sassinated before their trials,
Lincoln's secretary, whose name was Kennedy, advised Lincoln not to go to the theatre, and Kennedy's secre­tary, whose name was Lin­coln, advised Kennedy not to go to Dallas. Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and ran to a ware­house; Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theatre.
Check out http://www.snopes.com/history/american/lincoln-kennedy.asp for more detail...

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