Sunday, June 24, 2012

Scuba Diver Sucked In

In June of 1989 a Florida scuba diver found himself sucked through 1,650 feet of intake pipe at the Florida Power & Light's St. Lucie nuclear plant. A security officer saw and rescued him as the pipe deposited him into a canal at the plant.
A plant spokesman said that the intake is marked by a warning buoy and shielded with a 70' by 70' cap that sits just above the intake. He explained that someone would have to swim underneath the cap and then head for the intake to get sucked in.
The spokesman's description sounded like an explanation of the way many people get “sucked into" sin. They get themselves in trouble by avoiding warning signs and positioning themselves in situations where the danger of sin is imminent. Then they act surprised when temptation swallows them whole.
source unknown

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