Friday, September 03, 2010

On The Journey Toward Celebrating Life

Some years ago, while doing mission work in the north delta of Mississippi (a very poor area of the United States), a group of students and I put a new roof on the home of an older woman. We had spent three days working and sweating on this roof in mid-July, and we had thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Miss Lizzy. Each day, with love, she would bring out ice-cold lemonade for us. She was so grateful that she would no longer have to strategically place buckets throughout her humble home to catch the water when it rained.
When we had finished, we moved our ladders and tools several blocks to another project. I remember walking down the middle of the street carrying a ladder and rejoicing in the pure goodness of life. And I rejoiced in the relationship I had developed with Miss Lizzy. I was aware of everything around me, and it brought tears to my eyes. All was right with the world at that moment.
In my mind I visit that time and place often, and it still brings tears of joy. It is among my most sacred memories of celebrating life and love. Understanding the fullness of life's simple joys and living in the "now" always reaps joy.
Victoria S. Schmidt

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