Monday, October 05, 2009

On The Journey Toward Reclaiming my Identity

Having just made the commitment to become a Bat Mitzvah (I am not thirteen!), I keep asking myself, "Why this journey now?"
I think because the women's spirituality movement has brought me closer to the heart of my faith. Because the feminine, in-dwelling aspect of God helped me to find the beauty and meaning of my tradition. And because I want to feel God's presence in a way I couldn't before, as an indivisible Oneness, a way of relating to each other at the deepest level of our humanity, a way of living, loving and caring for each other, our reason for trying. This is the faith I have found and love.
This is also what a dream told me could be unknown to my then unborn grandchildren.
I needed my children, and theirs, to know they have a faith and a family that goes back almost four thousand years. One that knows the inevitability of pain, struggle, losing our way, yet whispers, "We will always be there for you," "New beginnings are as close as your next breath."
I want them to know wonder, mystery and possibility; to feel their hearts crack open in response to the unspeakable beauty in the world; and to keep those hearts open to the pain in the world, helping to heal the brokenness.
Searching for what I thought was about leaving a legacy, I wandered through a spiritual wilderness, making my way back to my roots and finding what I needed for my Self, remembering why this journey now.
- Shelle Goldstein

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