Saturday, May 10, 2008

The God of Many Names

Eternal God, we see that our understanding of you has been shaped and chiseled by the stories of many people. Indeed you are known to us by many names:
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you remind us that you are part of the human story, and have connected yourself with us in unique and surprising ways. You have allowed yourself to be shaped by our journey, connecting yourself with the lives of Moses, Elijah, and the prophets.
And you have surprised us through your interaction with and ownership of the life of Rahab the prostitute, the broken marriage of Hosea, and the deep grief of Ruth and Naomi. In succeeding generations you have touched and inhabited many lives, always adding to the story of our understanding, challenging us to accept you in the new and the old.
We confess that we find it hard to connect with their stories: you seem much more distant from us: the immediacy and intimacy of their relationship with you does not echo in our own experience. Help us to find comfort and hope from the past, rather than a prescription. You surprised Moses at the burning bush; Elijah in the whisper of a wind, Jonah inside a great fish, even Job in his deep turmoil.
Grant us a present and future understanding and expectation: grounded in the knowledge that you met others in their present and futures. Liberate us from prescription.
Encourage us to open exploration. That we might meet you afresh tonight.
Etch your name on our gathering, in our hearts we pray, and into our week.
Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

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