Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Past, Present and Future

* Eternal God, Alpha and Omega, you have called us to be a part of Your story of grace at work in the world.
We thank you for the history of faith which affirms your presence for people in all walks and every station of life.
We praise you for the life of Jesus, demonstrating your empathy with us in life's journey, your willingness to suffer as a human being, still offering the way of hope.
As we look back, Lord God, remind us that your mercies are as fresh as the morning dew, renewed in each time, fresh for each new moment.
** Living and eternal God, we are reminded of your ongoing presence in our world.
By your spirit you walk with us each day, bringing guidance, giftedness and strength to continue the work of faith which we celebrate.
Keep us from consigning your work and your presence to the pages of history. Keep us alive to the fresh opportunities to experience and share your mercy and grace in the midst of contemporary life.
Grant that life each day might be shaped in purpose by our desire to live as Jesus would live, to steward our time, talents and resources in ways which demonstrate your priority in our lives.
*** Coming Lord Jesus, you call us not only to be part of your coming kingdom, but also to be part of creating a new future.
Though at times we struggle to adapt to and understand the changes which rage about us, teach us to keep our eyes fixed to you.
Teach us to shape our home lives, our work practices and our leisure experiences as an expression of your mission in and through us.
Let the full creativity of your Spirit be found in us, that our whole lives might be transformed by your renewing of our minds.
* Lord God, in a rapidly changing world, help us not to be swept away in the stampede of our consumer society.
Instead, help us to consciously choose the way of Jesus, echoed in the prayer he taught his disciples to pray...

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